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      Yellow Loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris

      I AM life imperishable.

      Yellow Loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris

      Finding the positive and the valuable in flood times

      Yellow Loosestrife offers, 'I mend the tears in your experience of life so that you see it as a seamless whole of beauty and goodness. Consider me if difficulties have sapped your joy in life. I AM indefatigable gratitude and joyful appreciation for life, even amidst trials and tribulations. I will help you to find the bead on the positive and valuable in your life during flood times, turmoil or when you have been besieged by challenges as well as during times when things are flowing more smoothly.'

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each