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      Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria

      I AM the cleansing and revitalization of every cell of my being.

      What you've shared with us
      • "We have been ordering from you for six years now for my cat Olivia & she has reached the ripe old age of 19. I feel very blessed that you have helped me to help her on her journey." (Olivia takes Flow Free, Thyme, Digestive Woes, Kidney Vetch and Senior Citizen) M. P., VA
      • "I blew through my last order (of Kidney Vetch and Flow Free) in record time. Lots of pink water needed these days!" M., Columbus, OH
      • "Great news! Her kidney numbers have changed SO MUCH for the better since she's been on the Kidney Vetch" E., Austin, TX

      Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria

      Revitalization of depleted systems or circumstances

      Kidney Vetch describes its gifts, 'Cleansing is my strength. I AM particularly strong in systems of networks and tributaries feeding into central passageways. Issues of unimpeded flow, robust circulation, renewal and restoration in dead zones are all my forte. I have an energetic knack for getting the most life force into enervated places.'

      -Especially great for all issues of the kidneys.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each