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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      z20. The Way Forward

      What you've shared with us
      • We are on the road. Resistance is futile. Essences will save us. E.H., San Jose, CA
      • "Apollo was just about to be slaughtered before he was rescued. (This horse) could not be approached at all as he was so traumatized by so many humans. After a few healing sessions and taking your Anxiety, Abandonment & Abuse, Grief & Loss, Arbor Garden and The Way Forward every day, he is now a playful, happy, loving horse free to live in peace." Animal communicator, Punta Gorda, FL

      z20. The Way Forward

      Shows us the way forward no matter where we are on our spiritual journeys or how lost we feel

      So much is in flux that it can be hard to get a bead on the way forward. We must ground so much more light energy than ever before while also shedding umpteen illusions revealed as unnecessary and unreal in the light of this energy. Move forward we must AND unburdened at that. How do we do this with the clarity and confidence?

      Elizabeth Sheehan walked the 500 mile pilgrimage route across northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela three times. Her first pilgrimage brought us the Camino Collection of Flower Essences. Her second journey gave us the Healer’s Toolbox. On her third Camino, Elizabeth made Flower Essences, but at the time the Angels indicated that these Essences needed to wait for release. Here is what the Angels have to say about this now,

      “NOW is the time for this combination remedy, The Way Forward, made by Elizabeth from many Flowers down the entire length of the Camino. Just as on the Camino there is a yellow arrow pointing the way forward at every turn, this Essence contains the vibrational arrows pointing your way forward no matter where you are on your spiritual path. The Camino is a place that embodies the spiritual journey to conscious oneness and reunion with Divinity. When we guided Elizabeth in the creation of this mix, our intention was to imbed the Essence with wayshowers at each place of confusion, unknown and paradigm shift along the spiritual seeker’s path. We are delighted it is time to release this gem of an Essence.”

      - Helps us create a path forward that was not there before and manifest needed paradigm shifts.
      -Helps us experience our right to move forward as well as bring clarity about what this forward movement looks like.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each