There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Helping your body clear its emotional field of any clutter that remains from past and finished energetic work.
Notes from Elizabeth's Camino: Spiritual work is hard to do. Sometimes you have to get dirty emotionally and in my case, physically, to get it done.
The river Lavacolla outside of Santiago was the traditional place that medieval pilgrims washed themselves before they walked into Santiago. For this reason, the Flowers collected around this spot are about cleansing. My group did this by playing along the riverbank. A few of the brave boys even tried their hand at modern dance in a riverside meadow. It was such an apt way to cleanse before the walk to the end.
- After any great spiritual effort or journey, it is important to take a moment to reflect where we have been and what has happened. Lavacolla helps us to find this penultimate place of reflection.It helps us conclude the last business of a spiritual journey.
-On the Camino, Lavacolla is one day out from Santiago de Compostella, the destination for most pilgrims. This place and its Flower Essence hold a tremendous wisdom about helping us finish our spiritual business so we feel refreshed for the final moments of a spiritual journey or effort.