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There are problems with your form:
Alllowing yourself to be taken care of and supported in moments of vulnerability.
Notes from Elizabeth's Camino: The group of five that I was traveling with was nearing the end of the trail. Suddenly the stresses of the outside world were starting to reappear and weigh on us. I was in a particularly anxious place, and one of my friends spent the afternoon sitting on our bunks in the albergue talking to me and supporting me through the crisis of all that had happened the days before and all of the unknowns that awaited me when I returned home. It is very hard for me to practice this skill of allowing people to be there for me in my messiest emotional states, but on the trail I was reminded that vulnerability is a great bonding force and brings us closer to the ones we love.
- When we are ill or hurt or in extremely challenging circumstances, this one helps us to ask for support and open to receive the help on offer