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      z10. Mazarife

      z10. Mazarife


      Realizing the potential to create oases of color and joy in the bleak stretches of our lives.

      Notes from Elizabeth's Camino: This was one of the most lovely and eclectic places that I stayed the whole trip. The albergue was in the middle of the Meseta, but painted every bright color you could imagine. The people who ran it loved pilgrims. The front yard even had a pirate ship in it. As our group had talked about pirates frequently in our days on the trail, when we saw that ship, we knew that we had arrived in a truly magical place. We slept outside on mattresses tucked under the eaves and giggled as the sun went down. The town was in a minor draught and the water supply was turned off every day at midday. Somehow, this lack of necessities did not diminish our lovely evening one bit. I felt truly grateful for the gifts that Mazarife gave all of us.

      -This dear friend of an Essence helps us find comfort and joy even when our spiritual journey has gotten very, very rigorous and we find ourselves in extremely rough and inhospitable territory.
      -Mazarife helps open the door to unexpected breathers from the arduous spiritual work we are doing.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each