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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Wintergreen, Pyrola uligimosa

      I AM that I AM.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I am enjoying all of my Essences. I am in a phase of major metamorphosis and transformation, so several of the Essences are in "high rotation"!" I am using many of the "cleansers" to release old baggage and issues that have created an extremely cluttered home. (cont...)
      • They are a Godsend! (Avocado, Dandelion, Eggplant, Bee Balm, Spanish Bayonet, Bottlebrush, All Ego Contracts Null & Void, Wintergreen) The Essences are helping me "declutter" all the childhood trauma that helped create the physical clutter. (cont...)
      • Comfrey has also been a big asset, as it helps me break through this clutter issue that has plagued me for years!...Wintergreen has helped me be okay with where I am in my process while also creating stronger boundaries including boundaries against clutter in my home." D.H., E. Stroudsburg, PA,

      Wintergreen, Pyrola uligimosa

      The freedom to shine

      Wintergreen helps us express ourselves fully and unapologetically. It helps us shed shame based self editing or any behaviors chosen to hide our light under a bushel. It helps us be comfortable in our own skins so we can toss all sorts of false responsibilities and false personas and get on with the vital task of being our true selves.

      -Helps doormats to say, 'NO!'
      -Helps improve personal boundaries if we have let others use us.
      -Helps us express our own passions not just facilitate others to express theirs.
      -Helps us reconfigure our relationships so we get to be the star of the show some of the time.
      -For all those Cinderellas out there that don't think they deserve a place at the ball. YOU DO!

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each