There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Support for the first, second and third chakras to handle the incoming higher vibrations
As we assimilate the gifts of the new higher energies pouring into the planet, we can find ourselves overheated and raw, especially in our first, second and third chakras. These chakras take a hit during these fiery times because these higher energies work on issues of self-identity and personal power, encouraging us to change our mindset and our vibration around these issues. This, in turn, affects the first three chakras where these issues are seated in our bodies. This Rose shows us a way to restore and rebalance these chakras during this sometimes fiery and tumultuous change process.
-Helps us find an elemental and strong experience of balance and physical health and vitality amidst these changes in our vibration.
-Addresses symptoms including feet and leg issues, fiery nerves and general issues of overheating.
-Helps when our sense of personal power is under fire and we feel on the defensive.