There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
This remedy can be used as an individual remedy or as part of the Path of Light Trio. With the help of Clear the Path, the first remedy in the trio, we make space in our energy fields. Now the Light can flood into our receptive energy systems. This Essence supports the process of receiving the Light as well as grounding this Light in our emotional, mental, etheric/memory and physical energy bodies.
-Ingredients in Welcome the Light
-Agathe Incarnata Rose: Transforms our desire to be Love and Light into Love and Light incarnate.
-Belerephon of the Open Door: A Beloved Essence that opens the door so Light can flood in.
-Coralita: Unwrinkles glitches so the Light energy flows smoothly through our whole energy system.
-Date Palm: Supports the shift in our DNA, transforming us into vessels able to hold greater Light.
-Dittany: As the Light enters us, this one offers us a template for the sacred union of masculine and feminine energies.
-Fireweed: Pierces through any impediments in our surroundings so that the incoming Light can flow into us without obstruction or delay.
-Hollyhock: Organizes our electrical system so that the Light can enter in a coordinated flow.
-Jamaica Dogwood: Freedom to welcome the Light into every cell of our being. Like Date Palm, this Essence works with our DNA.
-Kangaroo Apple: Opens us to receive Light from the five chakras above out heads. These chakras play a key role in us assimilating the incoming flow of Light.
-Morning Glory: Helps us joyfully welcome the flow of glorious incoming Light.
-Oak: Opens us to experience our inner Light so we come to the full recognition we are Light.
-Pink Calliandra: Awakens our hearts to their full Light capacity. This is vital to the full flow of Light throughout our energy system as the heart is the main energy transformer for our entire energy system and the place where Divine Light is first and always grounded.
-Purple Loosestrife: Helps us ground the Light much as a lightning rod does this with lightning.
-Rosaraie de l’Hay: Works on the cellular level to help Love and Light flow into all our energy system.
-Rose Apple: Another that works to open up the heart chakra. Specifically it brings Light to the heart to heal deeply buried ancient wounds.
-Sea Campion: Accepting bounty.
-rod: Think of this one as the master transformer, guaranteeing that the entering Light goes to the right places in our electrical systems.
-Sweet Alyssum: This one introduces the Light of Christ Consciousness into our energy systems.
-Top Chakra Teasel: We welcome this Light into our physical vehicle via our seventh chakra. This Essence helps this chakra feel protected for this process of opening to receive the Light.
-Trout Lily: This wild lily is particularly adept at helping us ground the Light in out physical bodies.