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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Watch Your Back

      What you've shared with us
      • "As soon as I opened the Watch Your Back the Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Jake and Jessie, literally woke up from their usual long afternoon naps and stood beside me as I opened the vial. Ridgebacks have the gift of a smile. They both broke out in a full smile, eyes closed, teeth showing just a mite and tails wagging in unison. Jake immediately pushed his head into my hands to lick up a few drops of the essence. Jessie followed and then they both went out on the sun drenched porch and rested." E.C., Southport, NC
      • "I began taking "Watch Your Back'. Graniana Rose, and Grapefruit about two days before my "regular" healing session with a couple who are very experienced, professional hands-on-healers. Toni and Mike use Tibetan bowls and tongas (small cymbals that ring when you tap them against each other) as one of their healing modalities. (cont...)
      • I was lying face down. Mike had been playing the tongas at my feet below my foot chakras. Toni had a very large Tibetan bowl on my left shoulder that she had been ringing. Mike stopped playing the tongas and was just holding them there. (cont...)
      • When Toni tapped on the bowl again, the vibration ran from the bowl into my back, down my back, down my left leg, out the bottom of my feet and rang the tongas. Mike said, "Did you hear that? Do it again." (cont...)
      • Toni tapped the bowl again and the Tongas rang again. They kept doing it over and over because they were so astonished. In all their lives as healers they had never seen anyone's body resonate this way - a healthy correct way. We could hardly believe this possible after only two days on the remedies. (Believe me, my body had NOT been this clear the week before.) Now Mike is taking the remedies too, and Toni wants me to make up some for her." N.W., Simsbury, CT
      • "I cannot say enough about how the Watch Your Back has made an impact on my weekly life at work. When I used to feel the negativity creeping in and exuded by co-workers, the power of the negativity would eat small parts of my soul. Now using Watch Your Back in my morning water every day, the energies won't impact at all, and I go throughout my day more efficiently, happier, energized and content." anonymous
      • "Two friends who are teachers have been using Watch Your Back, Golden Armor and Loving What Is as a spray, occasionally adding others you recommended, and have found such a difference in their classrooms." J.M., PA

      Watch Your Back

      Information to support the health and flow of energy in our back, spine and chakras

      The first one to reach for with any back related situation, Watch Your Back helps keep the highest vibration possible flowing through all the chakras. This is no small task given the increased energies our systems are accommodating these days. It also is very helpful for situations in which a person or animal feels electrically either blocked or unable to discharge excess electrical negativity. It offers great protective information helping us keep others 'off our backs' or us from 'shouldering too much.'

      -Helps keep our energy fields clear and protected, especially if our backs are a place of energetic vulnerability for us.
      -Contains many Palm Flower Essences that offer profound information about spinal and nerve health, flexibility, resilience and moving light.


      Bottle Palm, Chinese Fan Palm, Coconut Palm, Date Palm, European Fan Palm, Figi Fan Palm, Fishtail Palm, Golden Areca Palm, Goldenrod, Heavenly Bamboo, Lilac, Manila Palm, Mystery Palm, Niella, Potato Vine, Queen Palm, Royal Palm, Sago Palm, Snapdragon, Sunflower Spiral, Tuberose

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each