There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
As Lightbearers, we join the planetary movers and shakers that help the Light’s full manifestation on our dear Earth. Not everyone is excited about this uptick in planetary Light or in us. As we fill with Light, some may want to slow our roll. It’s good to remember that the way through this dynamic is to keep being the Light. There is no need to respond by going back down into the dense vibration we have worked so hard to leave behind. This remedy supports us to not look back but stay confident in our radiant and evolving path of Light. It helps us embrace the unexpected adventures that being a Lightbearer brings. It helps us find that delicate and beautiful balance of being our Light while letting each sentient being seek the Light in their own time and way. It helps us experience that we are Divinity in a sea of Divinity.
-Ingredients in Walk in Light
-Arre: Trusting your life's pacing and standing by it with fully centered and grounded conviction.
-Balance in a Blue Moon: Staying centered, balanced and in Light on a rapidly changing planet.
-The Butterfly Garden: Support to walk the spiritual path as a force of unconditional love.
-Butterfly Kisses: It’s butterfly time.
-Carrot; Grounded assistance to stay focused and rooted in our life purpose.
-Chinese Forget Me Not: A counterpart to
-Eyes of Mary: this one helps us hold an energy of loving detachment while also transforming this energy into wise action as in “walk our talk.”
-Elderberry: Support to hold the Light in challenging even dark situations.
-Equanimity: “If you meet life squarely, accepting its opposites with equanimity while carrying on your duties in a spirit of selfless love and service, you will not only come in tune with the Infinite, but you yourself will become the Infinite which you seek." Meher Baba
-Eyes of Mary: Seeing the reality of Love behind all form, much as Angels do.
-Freesia: Supports the full expression of our unlimited being.
-Lady’s Thumb: Trusting the Divine energetic thumbprint for our lives.
-Pickerel Weed: “I AM serene in my role as spiritual torchbearer.”
-Pink Lady’s Slipper: Helps us walk the path of love and light when it might seem impossible to do so.
-Purple Allamanda: Helps us experience oneness and unity consciousness even in “swampy places”.
-Rue: aka the Herb of Grace, While helpful in the task of assimilating the Light in our bodies, Rue also helps us experience the grace of our circumstances and imbues us with a confidence in our life path.
-St. David’s Rose: Support to stop giving away the role of authority to other personalities but instead ground in the immense authority of our inner Divinity.
-Sunflower: Yes, we really are the super heroes of our own tale.
-The Sunflower Spiral: Relax! Everyone is right where they need to be on their spiritual journeys.
-Wild Lettuce: “I AM at home in the Cosmos,” because to walk in Light is to expand our definition of self in a big way.
-Yellow Water Lily: Experiencing ourselves as eternally anchored in the Divine no matter what storms roll across the surface of our daily lives.