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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      True Wood Sorrel, Oxalis acetosella

      I AM centered in the God and God only, no matter what is happening around me.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I wanted to share with you what a wonderful experience I had this past weekend. I was a bit overwhelmed with some of the things going on in my own family, and it seemed like every time my phone rang, someone was calling with sad news of the tremendous struggles going on in their lives. (cont...)
      • At one point, I could not stop crying, and I decided to try and meditate for a while and send everyone love and light. Then I decided I was going to take a nice long hot bath (something I very seldom get to do). At the last minute, I decided to put a few drops of a flower essence in the water. (cont...)
      • The only essence I had left from my last order was True Wood Sorrel, so I put in a few drops. I'm not sure my words can truly articulate what happened next, but I had the most beautiful, peaceful feeling take over my whole being. (cont...)
      • I felt completely surrounded with a love so beautiful I thought maybe I had died. Then I saw a scene of a beautiful river that took all of creation and blended it into a beautiful unity of colors. I felt like I was being shown something very holy. I will treasure those moments forever." J.S., Glenwood, MD
      • "When I was putting together my order my son suggested I add "this one" and pointed to True Wood Sorrel, so I did. When the essences came in and I was on the phone with one of my clients, she asked me to send her something for her partner. It was True Wood Sorrel!" C.D., VT

      True Wood Sorrel, Oxalis acetosella

      In intense situations, helps us maintain a calm experience of our own value

      True Wood Sorrel helps us know our own value and the power of the light within us when we feel small or insignificant. It helps us identify with the eternal divine part of ourselves no matter what is going on around us and no matter what people are saying to us. It helps us find an unwavering calm in even the most intense or overwhelming situations.

      -Helps us stay calm and in our center when those around us are acting fanatical or from a place of extreme emotion.
      -Helps us know our value when others try to make us feel small or unimportant.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each