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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Trailing Arbutus, Epigaea repens

      I AM the beloved of the Divine Mother. She and I are one.

      Trailing Arbutus, Epigaea repens

      Reawakening our sacred relationship with the Divine Mother

      After many decades searching for this Wildflower also known as Mayflower, she found me on Mother's Day 2021. There she was fragrant, luminous, and in her full glory on the forest floor. As I sat with her, she was all that I remembered from a precious encounter I had with her as a small child. She radiated a powerful wisdom of her felt oneness with the Divine Mother, a welcome and also a reserve that indicated she, like the Divine Mother was not to be messed with.

      With her permission, I share her Flower Essence with you. It offers a tuning fork so that we too can feel at one with the Divine Mother and our place in her arms.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each