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      The Sacred Feminine

      What you've shared with us
      • "The Sacred Feminine has given me strength and security during a difficult, painful and scary time in my life. Life brings us so many surprises- some enjoyable, others scary and painful. But with the help of our angels and your wonderful essences I am better able to deal with the scary and painful; and more open to the beauty and joy in life." A.R., Selkirk, NY
      • "Since I've been taking (Cosmos and the Sacred Feminine) I've had numerous dreams of confidently speaking in public. Dreams where I'm speaking in front of a class, speaking in front of a whole church even. And I was okay! I didn't keel over and die (Just kidding!). Now I need to focus integrating that into real time." L.L., Lafayette, CA

      The Sacred Feminine

      Supports the paradigm shift to embodied conscious divinity by supporting each of our most heartfelt creations

      This mix supports our Sacred Feminine to tap into our deepest wisdom to birth our most cherished dreams. This is a creative process that heals and lifts up humanity even as it supports our own individual journeys. This is because planetary change happens one person at a time but also from a place of oneness within the hearts of us all.

      -The longer definition expands our understanding of this profound powerhouse.


      Agathe Incarnata Rose, Agnes Rose, Dombeya Wallichii, Dracaena, Eden Rose, Eyes of Mary, Ixora, La Belle Sultane Rose, Lady's Mantle, Lady Penzance Rose, Lovage, The Mary Rose, Medinilla Magnifica, Mehera, One Flowered Wintergreen, Orange Iris, Orange Amaryllis, Pomegranate, Raspberry, Rosa Banksia, Rosa Gallica, Sansevieria, Scarlet Cordia, Sceptre of Power Flower, Sea Lavender, Tuberose, Tuscany Rose, Vanda Rothschildiana, Wood Sage from the Burren

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each