There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
A sheltering ally reminding us we are safe during any storm
This benevolent powerhouse shares its vibrational wisdom that we are always safe. First it offers a palpable vibration of protection that embraces us and softens us. Then like the most comforting mother, its whispers the deeper truth in our ears that we are safe even amidst hurricane forces. When we sink into Tamarind's vibrational wisdom and make it our own, we find an elemental experience of knowing we are safe no matter what.
Tamarind has a deep connection to the Angels guiding the greater processes of Earth towards a golden age. It helps us experience and make our own the Angelic rootedness to the eternal verities. This helps us be a vibration of confidence that all is well even when circumstances or others might say all is lost. This unshakeable serenity is a great gift to all Earth right now as this Divine fearlessness helps us all.
-Helps us find a serenity that cannot be shaken by any event by connecting us to our eternal self.
-Reach for this one when despairing of the global situation or feeling unclear how to support positive planetary change.
-Tamarind helps us to feel our unity with the Angels which brings both practical tools for change and also a deeper calm that Divinity is one with us.