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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder


      What you've shared with us
      • "I'm writing to make a new order and also to say a big thank you for helping my cat, Elliott, cope with times when I'm away from him. Your Separation remedy works wonders. I've been away from home more than usual recently, and with the remedy, he's been happy and relaxed throughout everything, whereas he used to be miserable when I left. Thank you so much!" H.S., NY, NY
      • "I have to thank you for another of your amazing Flower Essences for my four legged friend, Rain. I went away this weekend (a rare event for this hobbit) but before I went, I put SEPARATION on my friend's ears and in her water bowl. When I came home instead of the usual standoffishness she seemed so happy to see me. I know her welcoming reception was due to Flower Essences. . . Next time I go away, I am going to take SEPARATION also. I was very homesick." S.K., Brattleboro, VT
      • "I have seen such an improvement with the essences I had on hand that I am sure adding these will make a huge difference. We rescued Humphrey, but I also believe he came into our lives so I would remember some of my healing abilities and the tools of your beautiful Flower Essences." H.S. Burbank, CA
      • The vet ( where I recently boarded my cat) was so impressed with the change in her behaviour since the essences were used. They almost gave her a Miss congeniality award !!! -R.P., Canada
      • My 1.5 year old Doberman Pinscher has sooo many allergies. This is the 3rd product we've tried and by far the most effective and has been the only product not to give a reaction." J.D., CT


      This remedy addresses all issues of separation anxiety.

      -Offers support animals navigating time alone or in the care of people other than their pack leaders.
      -Excellent to put in our animals' water bowl when we are away from home.
      -Helpful for any child or person dealing with separation anxiety.


      Borage, Bunchberry, Chamomile, Dogberry, Feverfew, Goldenrod, Honeysuckle, Joe Pye Weed, Maltese Cross, Meadow Rue, Omey Island, Pale Pink Rose, Pink Tecoma, Spruce, Trillium, White Bleeding Heart

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each