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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Red Hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis

      I AM the power releasing these memories forever.

      What you've shared with us
      • "The Agrippina Rose is one amazing Essence. Whenever I am taking it, my teaching gets so much more to-the-point and powerful. I ask for the idea that the student needs at that moment and poof! - Out of my mouth comes just the right thing to say. I truly do have a sense of pinpoint accuracy!" C.M., Ithaca, NY
      • "I immediately began to use Belerephon of the Open Door and Agrippina Rose to help me with my healing work. I feel the flow of Divine Love more easily as I hold space for my patients' healing processes, and I feel rejuvenated in my calling as a healer, with much greater clarity on my path." M.S., CA
      • "I am excited to be using these beautiful Flower Essences since we lightworkers can use all the help we can get in these times of accelerated energies on Earth!" C.D., Fredericksburg, VA

      Red Hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis

      Recovery from sexual abuse

      Red Hibiscus offers much healing support to those who have been through experiences of abuse, particularly sexual abuse. It helps to cleanse the etheric body where we hold memories of abuse so that we release the trauma of these memories and also works to heal the emotional body where we store the emotions linked to the abuse. It supports us to move forward unburdened.

      -Great to take over a long period of time as this supports a gentle release all of the trauma on deeper and deeper levels.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each