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      Red Flower from SANTORINI

      I AM the manifestation of my new life with creativity, strength, fearlessness and adaptability.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I feel like I am discovering how strong I can be, and I now have hope." S.W., NJ

      Red Flower from SANTORINI

      Making use of the adaptive and creative energy of fire

      On the windblown, exposed and inhospitable rocky caldera of the volcanic explosion of Santorini, this Flower grew like wildfire. This one strengthens our inner resolve. It helps us adapt to new circumstances with strength and courage. It supports our ability to thrive after things erupt and fall apart in our lives. This Flower is fearless and supports us in digging in for the real fight, the real challenges with a fire energy that is not destructive but sustaining, creative and adaptive.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each