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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Purple Flowering Raspberry, Rubus odorata

      I AM the song of divinity calling you to the unmet corridors of your heart, and to the glorious wilderness of your soul.

      What you've shared with us
      • "The package arrived on my birthday- I used the Purple Flowering Raspberry immediately and had an awesome Birthday celebration unlike any other I've experienced to date. What an incredible gift." D.K., Hawthorne, NJ.
      • "The Purple Flowering Raspberry, Ispahan Rose and Milkweed are for a new soul friend who is walking her path to wholeness. I muscle tested the essences before knowing their gifts and of course they are perfect. She could not believe how changed she felt after a few drops. I was not surprised at all." J.A., VT

      Purple Flowering Raspberry, Rubus odorata

      Experiencing the beauty of our souls

      This lovely Flower grows in woodland shadows, evoking a quality of mystery. Its Flower Essence beckons us into a deeper relationship with the unknown, both within us and without. To spend time with this Essence is to experience a banquet of intense piercing love, a deepening of sacred self-awareness and a celebration of the mysteries of creation. It reminds us that real and unalloyed solace is within us.

      -Helps when we feel restless or bored by the circumstances of our situation
      -Helps when we are involved in a quest to know ourselves better either through a creative project or therapy, especially Jungian work.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each