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      Precious Blood

      What you've shared with us
      • "I was very surprised on taking Precious Blood in how good it made me feel. Maybe it's making my blood smile." L.J., Las Cruces, NM
      • "Thank you so much for taking the time to "check-in" and see what else I might be needing in Essences. I cried when I sat the package down in the car seat next to me at the post office. Help had arrived- I knew. I cried also when I took "Precious Blood." I've worked soooo long at healing family issues- pre-conception, conception, early childhood & more." S.S, Clemson, SC
      • "Thank you so much. The essences my husband takes for his lymphoma are his little angels and he pasted one of the green hope postcards by his bed so it is the first thing he sees in the morning. He is an accountant-makes this all the more adorable." K.G., MA

      Precious Blood

      A mysterious but profound Essence friend

      This combination contains our Red Flower Essences and our Flower Essences associated with blood or bloodlines. Made at the request of the Angels, Precious Blood serves us without explaining its mysteries. We are grateful for its gifts, for while the remedy does not explain itself, people who have worked with it have found its gifts tangible and diverse.


      Agrippina Rose, Amaryllis, Asclepias, Bloodroot, Bottlebrush, Burdock, Calliandra, Cardinal Flower, Clivia, Cochineal Cactus, Coralita, Dracaena, Epimedium, Globe Mallow, Hawthorn, Ixora, La Belle Sultane Rose, Maltese Cross, Maple, The Mary Rose, Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Ocotillo, Orange, Orange Hawkweed, Pomegranate, Raspberry, Red Clover, Red Hibiscus, Red Rugosa Rose, Royal Ponciana, Scarlet Runner Bean, Sceptre of Power Flower, White Baneberry. Wild Fuschia

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each