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      Pink Wands from Patagonia

      I AM steady in my choice of loving kindness.

      Pink Wands from Patagonia

      Responding to fire with steadfast love

      This Flower glows in shades of pink with its flowering wands rising to the sky. Like this sweet blossom, which was found in a field that had once been leveled by fire, this Flower Essence describes itself as being adept at marshaling our sweet inner reserves in response to difficulties. It supports us in our efforts to respond with loving kindness to any challenge that befalls us, helps us to find the balance of self-love and engaging with the world in confident loving action. In any circumstance in which others have treated us from a mindset of self-interest and selfishness, Pink Wands from Patagonia affirms us in our belief that love is the transformative way forward and helps us ground this in every action, large and small.

      -Helps us choose love in response to any difficulty.
      -Helps us to infuse any and every action with love.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each