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      Pink Pillar Rose, Rosa Pink Pillar

      I AM Love untarnished.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I experienced a great deal of abuse at the hands of family members, people who said they - and I believed actually did - love me. Which created an extremely distorted (and extremely disturbing!) picture of love I have carried, both knowingly and unknowingly, to this day. Who wants love or attention when it means being abused?!? Not me! So, for me Pillar Pink Rose is exactly what her header says: love purified. It is an untangling and correction of what love truly is so I can open my arms to receive love in its true form."

      Pink Pillar Rose, Rosa Pink Pillar

      Love purified

      Any off kilter notion of love can come back to purity with the support of this Rose Flower Essences. The transformative power of this Rose Essence is strong but extremely sweet. It is a gem.

      -Resets and recalibrates us to love in its truest form, especially helpful for those who have grown up in households or lived through other situations where abusive treatment has been described as "being loving"
      -Supports a tranformation of obsessive, fanatical or unbalanced emotional attachment to another person, to an idea or an activity into a balanced, centered and creative love.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each