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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Pink Flowering Almond, Amygdalus

      I AM one with the Divine Mother.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Thank you for sending me Pink Flowering Almond. I feel better already." L.G., Chevy Chase, MD

      Pink Flowering Almond, Amygdalus

      Healing the mother wound, expanding our experience of mother love

      Pink Flowering Almond helps erase the transitory and illusionary experience of mother from our cellular memory to reveal beneath the experience of absolute divine love. While this will probably appeal more to those of us who had complex or painful experiences with our earth mothers, this is also an excellent remedy for those who have a good relationship with their mothers. The Angels explain, 'This Essence is for everyone no matter the kind of mother they had. It helps you to frame the goodness of earth mothers in the context of the eternal. It both releases all that is not permanent as well as strengthening what is, the love for your earth mothers and their love for you.'

      -Supports us to cut free from illusions of separation and to know ourselves more clearly as one with the divine.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each