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      Path of Light Trio

      What you've shared with us
      • "Your trio of light, Clear the Path, Welcome the Light, Walk in Light creation is a luminous bouquet of all that is most needed during these times of awakening." J.G. Reading. PA

      Path of Light Trio

      To support the complex energetic metamorphosis everyone and everything on Earth now undertakes, we created a trio of combination Flower Essence remedies for the threefold process of releasing dense vibrations, welcoming in higher Light vibrations in their place and navigating life in the new Light bodies that result from this work.

      -CLEAR THE PATH With this Essence we receive support to clear our emotional, mental, physical and etheric/memory bodies of lower vibrational energies so that there is room in our energy systems to welcome in the higher vibration Light entering Earth. We have to let go of most everything but love to welcome this Light, and this can be challenging to do without knowing what will come next. This remedy helps us let go and empty out even the most stuck energies while also feeling the Divine safety net that is ever with us.
      -WELCOME THE LIGHT With the help of Clear the Path, we make space in our energy fields. Now the Light can flood into our receptive energy systems. This Essence supports the process of receiving the Light as well as grounding this Light in our emotional, mental, etheric/memory and physical energy bodies.
      -WALK IN LIGHT As Lightbearers, we join the planetary movers and shakers that help the Light’s full manifestation on our dear Earth. Not everyone is excited about this uptick in planetary Light or in us. As we fill with Light, some may want to slow our roll. It’s good to remember that the way through this dynamic is to keep being the Light. There is no need to respond by going back down into the dense vibration we have worked so hard to leave behind. This remedy supports us to not look back but stay confident in our radiant and evolving path of Light. It helps us embrace the unexpected adventures that being a Lightbearer brings. It helps us find that delicate and beautiful balance of being our Light while letting each sentient being seek the Light in their own time and way. It helps us experience that we are Divinity in a sea of Divinity.


      Clear the Path: Belorado, Bermuda Easter Lily, Butter & Eggs, The Butterfly Flower, Carolina Thermopsis, Calliandra from Taiwan, Cherry Tomato, Dainty Bess Rose, Glory Bower, Heliotrope, Konigin von Danemark Rose, Lavacolla, Letting Go Flower, Los Arcos, Maple, Musk Thistle, Nodding Ladies Tresses, O'Cebreiro, Pandorea, Sahagun, Tansy, Trabadelo, Whiskbroom Parsley, White Trillium, Winter Aconite Welcome the Light: Agathe Incarnata Rose, Belerephon of the Open Door, Coralita, Date Palm, Dittany, Fireweed, Hollyhock, Jamaica Dogwood, Kangaroo Apple, Morning Glory, Oak, Pink Calliandra, Purple Loosestrife, Rosaraie de l"Hay, Rose Apple, Sea Campion, Silver-rod, Sweet Alyssum, Top Chakra Teasel, Trout Lily Walk in Light: Arre, Balance in a Blue Moon, The Butterfly Garden, Butterfly Kisses, Carrot, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Elderberry, Equanimity, Eyes of Mary, Freesia, Lady's Thumb, Pickerel Weed, Pink Lady's Slipper, Purple Allamanda, Rue, St David's Rose, Sunflower, The Sunflower Spiral, Wild lettuce, Yellow Water Lily
