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      Partridgeberry, Mitchella repens

      I AM centered in the knowing that this partnership is the divine plan for me and therefore all is unfolding in divine order.

      Partridgeberry, Mitchella repens


      Partridgeberry Essence illuminates the common ground in any partnerships be it a marriage, business partnership, friendship or relationship between any two sentient beings. It helps us to experience personality strengths and weaknesses in our partner as a less compelling factor than our shared divinity. By helping us experience this common divinity as the foremost reality, differences and conflicts in partnerships can become doorways to innovation and creative exploration of divine identity versus divisive crises.

      -Helps partnerships bear fruit.
      -Helps us experience rough spots in partnerships as opportunities for growth not the death knell for the relationship.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each