There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
This Trio of Orchid Flower Essences include
The Eternity Orchid from the Taiwan collection, the Angel Orchid from the Patagonia collection and the Psychilis Macconnelliae Orchid from the St. John collection.
Orchids have a particularly brilliant relationship with time and space, body and spirit. They have the ability to be fully in form while also fully in their spiritual identity beyond time and form.
During this disorienting time on the planet, we can benefit from this Orchid Trio’s wisdom about being fully oriented in time and space. To ground we need to be fully present in the now and these Orchids offer information about how to do this.
This trio also helps us find the balance of being fully in our physical bodies even as we ground more deeply in the spiritual realm within us. To fully ground in our physical bodies is to find our divine identity within. This is our way forward.
-When world events lead us to feel we do not matter and there is no point in being fully present, this trio helps us know we do matter, we will always matter and that our work to hold our light in form is vitally important.