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      Mutabilis Rose, Rosa chinensis mutabilis

      I AM harmonious change. I process all changes in my energy system with calm, confidence and in good health.

      Mutabilis Rose, Rosa chinensis mutabilis

      WE CAN DO IT! We can change and evolve as swiftly as our precious planet!

      Everything is changing so very fast right now. Mutabilis Rose is so timely in its gifts as it shows us how to mutate and change at a very fast pace.

      When it blooms, Mutabilis Rose mutates from white and yellow blossoms to orange, pink or red blossoms. On any bush there will be blossoms of all these colors, all mutating brilliantly from one color to the next. Controlled mutation is its greatest talent. Consequently, Mutabilis Rose Flower Essence helps us to keep our molecular wisdom on track as we mutate.

      It imbues us with a confidence that we can do it. This is SO IMPORTANT right now as fear is the biggest monkey wrench in all the change processes we are undergoing.

      -Offers a model of vibrational confidence so we are relaxed and fearless as we grow older, navigate high
      -speed technological and societal change and also evolve spiritually at an unprecedented rate.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each