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      Maltese Cross, Lychnis chalcedonica

      I AM the complete realization that God is with me.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I made up a dosage bottle of Maltese Cross for the two children of a woman who is going through a divorce. She tells me that both children will say throughout the day "Mommy, remmies please" It pleases me that they ask for them and she says the remedies are definitely helping them through this hard time." N.B., Pawley, VT
      • "I am writing as we are in need of more flower essences. My daughter says she needs them, and who am I to disagree with something that seems to have a huge effect on her…. (cont...)
      • Please send in the larger size one Watch Your Back, one Maltese Cross and one Phoenix Rising which I have to say have helped to transform my insecure adopted child into a person who can now speak in public." E.W., SD
      • "The Maltese Cross pulled me out of a not so nice place. It's a long story maybe I will tell it some day. Maybe not. Ha! Ha!" L., CA

      Maltese Cross, Lychnis chalcedonica

      Feeling the current of wholeness and divinity during shattering experiences

      Nothing can ever be lost to us for we are God in God. Maltese Cross supports us to find within us this comforting truth. When events tear our lives apart, Maltese Cross pulls us back into our center and imbues us with faith that an unconditionally loving creator is present in even the most divisive looking situation. Maltese Cross knows that experiences that seem to shatter us into pieces actually break us open so we can know our wholeness, holiness and the unity of all things.

      -Particularly helpful in situations of extreme stress including betrayal, sudden loss of a partner or a career, death of a beloved friend, abandonment, a broken heart or any situation in which there is a violent tearing apart of the fabric of our lives.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each