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      Madame Isaac Pereire Rose, Rosa Madame Isaac Pereire

      I AM ever loved and cared for.

      Madame Isaac Pereire Rose, Rosa Madame Isaac Pereire


      Rosarian Graham Stuart Thomas said of this Rose, 'possibly the most powerfully fragrant of all roses; the flowers are enormous, of intense rose-madder, shaded magenta, bulging with rolled petals, quartered* and opening to a great saucer face.' The Angels describe this as a Rose of Mercy. While Mercy is ever present for us, this Rose helps us feel the love of Angels, their tender concern and the matrix of Mercy which is the abiding reality behind all form.

      -Offers us a consoling comforting vibration that helps us feel more connected to the Angels that love us and watch over us.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each