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Support to find the eternal and immutable in the momentary and passing then let the rest go
This Essence combination encourages us to give each circumstance our loving care and best effort but also detach from how events turn out. Detachment is based on the unshakeable knowledge that all things of this world are momentary and passing. This knowledge releases us from the futility of trying to control outcomes. It releases us to genuinely enjoy whatever is happening without thinking it defines us. It releases us into true happiness as we realize nothing defines us but God. This detachment leaves us free to focus on what IS unchangeable, and it isn't fame or fortune. Focused love on divinity is our way through the momentary and passing to the absolute and eternal.
-Fame, illness, best friends, enemies, success, failure: This Essence encourages us to greet them all with poise, curiosity and gusto knowing none of it defines us and that at some point all will have to be relinquished.
-This Essence ushers us to the threshold of knowing the immutable reality of our divinity.
Mehera Marigolds, Red Shiso, Sunflower Strawberry Blonde, Pink Cleome, White Eagle Corn, Sweet Allysum Pink Tower Aster, Pink Snapdragons, Pink Zinnias, Love in a Mist,, Cornflowers, Cosmos Rose BonBon