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      Locust & Wild Honey, Monstera deliciosa

      I AM a vessel of truth carrying wisdom across time and space.

      What you've shared with us
      • "This week I dreamed of Locust and Wild Honey. I awoke and took some as directed and then in a rush, several people connections pulled into view across the web of light as if Locust and Wild Honey had tuned the whole collective mechanism." GHF friend in NH
      • "The Locust and Wild Honey has really kicked off my life. The day I started taking it along with Cosmos, Crab Apple, and Petunia St Germain, great healing occurred and I was inspired to start a Women's Singing Circle. (cont...)
      • As soon as I put the word out, women flocked to the idea. Tomorrow night is our first gathering. I AM very excited and happy, and it was all so easy." K.B., Boulder, CO

      Locust & Wild Honey, Monstera deliciosa

      Spiritual connection

      Locust and Wild Honey tells us, 'My truth fires the circuitry within each of your energy systems, helping you to reconnect to your source, to your mission and to the fellow light workers with whom your work will unfold.'

      -Helps us find the people we are meant to work with and kindred spirits in general
      -Helps us feel more certain of our essential place in the scheme of things and released from our spiritual thirst.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each