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At the behest of a healer named Little Frog, we set to work to create a mix that would be supportive to souls living the experience of autism. Feedback on this mix has been wonderful, especially when the mix is used as a spritz over the child or adult or in their space.
Some of the intentions for the mix are to support:
-greater connectivity to others with less reactivity and stress
-learning to be at ease in physical reality even when higher vibration nonphysical realms feel more comfortable
-being present as well as fully grounded in physical life
-clarity and expansion of purpose to include the idea of helping others
-courage to engage in and even enjoy the unpredictableness of human connection
-appreciation and gratitude even for the challenges of earth life
Alex Mackenzie Rose, Alignment Garden, Calendula, Chilean Firebush, Corn, Effort & Grace, The Eight Garden, Escallonia from Patagonia, Foxglove from Patagonia, Galicia, Golden Armor, Gratitude, Grounding, Jewelweed, La Rioja, Loving What Is, Maple, Ourisia Poeppigli, Pink Wands from Patagonia, Psychillis Macconnelliae, Rabanal, Rosemary, Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean, Trillium, The Venus Garden, Woad