There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Seeing the purity and wholeness of each of us
Lisianthus helps us to hold the immaculate concept for ourselves, for others and for Earth. This involves seeing the purity and wholeness of each person, seeing them without blemish or fault. Lisianthus encourages us to tap into each person’s eternal identity unhinged from experiences in this realm of learning lessons. It encourages us to hold fast to this divine identity instead of zeroing in on the thin slice of imperfection we see play out as each of us goes through our necessary Earth experiences.
To hold the immaculate concept for self and others is a profound gift. It creates a literal field of energy around ourselves and others that knows we can be victorious in fulfilling the divine plan for each of us. By visualizing the divine blueprint of a person, situation or idea it becomes that much easier for this ideal to manifest. When we hold this energy focus for another, we help them to tap into these uplifting feelings and express this divine reality.