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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Inkberry, Scaevola plumieri

      I AM the indelible manifestation of the new.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Your essences are a boon and a grace in my life. I can see and feel my energy shifting into higher frequencies and more benevolent vibrations---I wouldn't have ever known what that meant in the past." R.S., NY

      Inkberry, Scaevola plumieri

      Manifestation of the new

      Inkberry tells us, 'I AM for grounding new ideas, new visions, new ways to solve old problems and new intellectual properties into daily consciousness. I support the bringing of new thought forms out of the unconscious and then grounding these ideas in a way that others can grasp and then make use of. I can help bring into form a project that felt out of reach. I offer my support to innovators during the transition from idea into form and will serve anyone who is part of a paradigm shift, big or little.'

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each