There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Being fully present in our bodies with a vibrant connection to Earth
To be grounded is to be fully present in our physical lives while also connected to the spiritual light which is our source.
Made from many tree Flower Essences and other Flowering plants that live with both an expansive connection to source and a deeprootedness, Grounding helps us to be here now, fully grounded and engaged in our lives with our connection to our spiritual life alive and vital.
To learn what we are here to learn, it helps us to be fully in our bodies as well as fully connected to the Earth grid where we live. Iy also is essential for us to feel our connection to the light. This Essence helps us find this balance.
-During upticks in the planetary vibration Grounding helps us better assimilate the higher vibrations as well as more easily manage electrical glitches.
-Helps us ease back into full engagement with our bodies if we have been through a difficult childhood, an accident, experiences of intense suffering and trauma or any experience that led us to temporarily distance ourselves from our bodies.
-Helps us feel it is safe to re
-engage with our spiritual nature if our suffering has led us to close down to this aspect of ourselves.
Ashleaf Maple, Aspen, Beech, Carrot, Cedar, Comfrey, Corn, Fireweed, Goldenrod, Grapefruit, Hawthorn, Heavenly Bamboo, Maple, Oak, Paper Birch, Plum, Shadblow, Spruce, The Sunflower Spiral, Willow and Yellow Water Lily