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A healing template for love, healing, embodying our Divinity and a healed world
Dittany Flower grows only in the most inconvenient places in sunny outcroppings on the sides of mountain cliffs. Dittany is one of a number of Flowers in this collection that originated on Crete. When transplanted it becomes a less vibrant expression of itself, so Dittany grown off island does not hold the vibrational wisdom of Dittany on Crete.
Cretans consider Dittany the most powerful of herbs. For at least ten thousand years, Dittany has been held sacred as a panacea cure all and magical herb of health. For this and many other reasons, the Angels describe Dittany Flower Essence as the keystone of our Cretan Flower Essences.
Dittany Flower Essence is a foundation Flower Essence holding the template of the very best we can be. It holds a template for excellent health. It holds the template for embodying our most evolved selves. It holds a template for love without thought of self. It also holds the template for each of us to return to the values of matriarchy and matriarchal community. Matriarchal community is both something that flourished on the island of Crete for many thousands of years and something that will flourish again worldwide as a natural upwelling of us individually anchoring in our inner light, love and Divinity.
Dittany Flower, endemic to (meaning originally found only on) Crete, knows we can make a global shift to matriarchy. It is both a promise and a tuning fork, supporting us in our efforts to find our way to this matriarchal re-flowering on Earth. It supports all those who live from different values than patriarchy. It helps us know with every fiber of our being that the values of care, love and generosity are not naïve, silly values but are the life giving, life preserving, life restoring way forward for humanity.
Dittany supports us to hold true to our essential nature as the way our world is to be reborn. It helps us stay strong through the last tired patriarchal assaults on our loving nature and bolsters our confidence that our essential nature of goodness and light will prevail because it is stronger than anything patriarchy can throw at us.
Dittany also helps us anchor this truth in others, so if we are teachers, leaders, parents or role models of any kind, working with Dittany helps us hold this vibrational template for those in our care.
Dittany fills us with the knowledge that the despairing belief that we will always be a patriarchal planet is not fact. The patriarchal culture of war, societal and resource inequality, enslavement and disharmony is a piece of history, now passing, and not an eternal verity. Humankind can and will re-find cooperative community based on the values of egalitarian generosity and oneness with all creation. AND THE FLOWERS WILL HELP US DO THIS!