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Loosening the bindings that keep us from forgiveness
Sometimes our experiences tighten the warp and woof of the fabric of our heart until we are closed off and unable to move from where we are. Corn Cockle helps loosen the threads, softening this warp and woof so love and forgiveness can enter the picture. Like water flowing through the tiniest of cracks, Corn Cockle finds the small places where love and forgiveness can seep into us. With this trickle we begin to move towards forgiveness and love with a feeling of flow. Not only does this flow release us from the energetic burden of a closed heart, but it restores great energy to our systems as the bindings of our heart require so much energy to maintain. A delicate soft purple Flower on a willowy stalk with intricate markings in deep maroon, this gentle but determined Flower friend helps us experience the flow of love.
One tool Corn Cockle uses is humor. In fact, I call this Flower Corn Cackle. Here is an example of Corn Cockle’s gift of humor. As mentioned earlier, groundhogs are the stars of this newsletter because an enormous coterie of groundhogs have been running the show here at Green Hope Farm. They have been a problem I could not solve and one that tightened my heartstrings into a knot of resentment and irritation as they outsmarted me at every turn. However, the energy of Corn Cockle entered the picture and helped me to loosen up my heart so I found the whole situation silly. This transformed my summer into a funny story.
-The fine lines indicate the way this Flower and its Essence find a way to begin a trickle of healing that opens into a flow of love.