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      Coralita, Antigonone leptopus

      I AM the smooth flow of information, free from limitation.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Thanks you once again for the lovely essences and for the Angels suggestion of Coralita. Mixed with the Sacred Feminine, I feel freer and more centered than I can ever remember. What a powerful combination!" J.H., Middlebury, VT
      • "Thanks you once again for the lovely essences and for the Angels suggestion of Coralita. Mixed with the Sacred Feminine, I feel freer and more centered than I can ever remember. What a powerful combination!" J.H., Middlebury, VT

      Coralita, Antigonone leptopus

      System organizer especially of the main chakras and spine

      Coralita often is described by you as a 'missing link' Essence that solved a problem that had defied solution. Coralita tells us, 'I AM a mover and shaker. I hold information about clearing the mental body of false limitations. I support the emotional body to jettison painful memories that seem to reinforce these illusions of limitation. I help transmute the 'I can't do it.' thought form into 'I CAN DO IT!' I untangle electrical tangles especially in the central trunk of the main chakras. This has broader implications in terms of electrical movement through the chakras and the general vitality of your electrical system. Consider me for information about spinal fluid health, clarity and movement. Consider me for clearing and organizing any system organized around linkages or skeins. I cleanse and reorganize with such love that while the results are apparent, the process feels easy.'

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each