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      Comfrey, Symphytum officinale

      I AM the experience of perfect health and divine order in my etheric body.

      What you've shared with us
      • "When I first tried the Comfrey I felt a warm blanket surrounding my etheric body with soft calming energy. I've been working mostly with Rain of Gold mixed with Locust and Wild Honey and Comfrey. My life is changing for the better, bringing excitement and a strengthening calm. The essences are powerful allies." J.H., Middlebury, VT
      • "First time with Flower Essences (Eyes of Mary, Belerephon of the Open Door, Blackberry and Comfrey among others) and after only three days have noticed a change. I am more attuned to energetic forces and have opened blocked areas. Could feel the energy upon opening the box!" C.K., LA, CA

      Comfrey, Symphytum officinale

      Complete healing of physical and energetic bodies

      The etheric body is one of the energetic bodies that interpenetrate the physical body. It is the place where memories from this life and past lives are stored. Some of these memories are very beautiful and add to the light of our present situation. Many of the memories are wounds from unresolved traumas carried into the present to be resolved.

      When previous attempts to heal traumas or illnesses have addressed only physical symptoms, no permanent healing will occur and the wounds will still be there in our etheric body. We will pull in the same experiences again to reopen these etheric wounds so we can heal them all the way to their core. Comfrey Essence illuminates the issues at the core of etheric wounds and helps us resolve the issues. Permanent healing can result because the underlying root issue is finally dealt with.

      -While our etheric, emotional, mental and physical bodies are all distinct from one another, they impact on each other energetically all the time. When Comfrey helps us to get to the root of a problem in the etheric body, it promotes healing in the other energy bodies.
      -Helps healing the memory body of land. More land clearing information at end of Irish Collection

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each