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      Clivia, Clivia miniata

      I AM the creative force of God in perfect manifestation.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Yippee! Got the fabulous bottle of goodness just before my first art festival last weekend. I felt a little better right away AND sold more artwork than I ever have before!! Painting struggles are fading, and I am showing up to do the work. I am confident that the flow will balance out very soon. I am ready!" K.F., OH

      Clivia, Clivia miniata

      Supports tangible results from our creative efforts

      Clivia's brilliant orange blossoms look fragile but are actually very sturdy. Its Flower clusters transform into a clutch of very large seedpods. Its sturdy physicality suggests how Clivia supports us to dive into dynamic full-bodied creative endeavors that bear concrete results.

      -Helps an artist bring forth an idea into actual form, an inventor transform her vision into an actual prototype or a dreamer take his dreams forward into manifestation.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each