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      Celery, Apium graveolens

      I AM the illumination of the stars. I AM the birth of a reborn humanity.

      What you've shared with us
      • You really have Celery's mysterious quality of adaptation right. I think most Essences adapt to the taker, but Celery celebrates this quality and brings it to the forefront of healing." M.J. Flower Essence practitioner, PA
      • Thanks for the suggestion of taking the celery essence and then going out under the stars at night. It is quite simply the best way to go to sleep. M.B., MT

      Celery, Apium graveolens

      An electrical router bringing the support of specific stars to help us birth the new

      Birthing in any form is an arduous business. Celery Essence helps us access specific light energy for any birth process. Celery is supportive at the birth of a child, but it is also supports us to birth a new consciousness and a new way to live.

      As a Flower, Celery is composed of panicles of tiny sparkling blossoms resembling a canopy of stars in the night sky. Celery connects each of us to the light of the specific stars that hold helpful energies for our specific evolutionary process. No two people will get the same gifts from Celery Essence.

      Think of Celery as an electrical router relaying light energy to our systems from exactly the stars that will illuminate our energy systems best. One additional thing to know is that Celery works best at night. It also loves when we take its Essence then go out into the starry night to visit with the stars in person.

      -Celery notes, “This is a big moment for Earth and its inhabitants, and the cosmic light of the stars has come to your aid. Let me help you welcome in this support.”

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each