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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Celandine, Chelidonium majus

      I AM clarity of thought, word and deed.

      What you've shared with us
      • A Green Hope friend asked us to make her a custom mix for presentations. One key ingredient was Celandine. "I used the presentation mix for two significant meetings. It helped me relax and give wonderful presentations. (cont...)
      • On both occasions people told me after the meeting that I gave my best presentations. Previously I was a nervous wreck before my business presentations. The vibration changes with the Flower Essences. Thank you for your work. It helps me so much." L.M. Lynnfield, MA
      • "The Essences are wonderful- I've been using them to help me prepare for a big interview! I have all the confidence in the world that all the right things will happen without needing to force anything." A.C., MI

      Celandine, Chelidonium majus

      Improved information transfer

      Celandine improves information transfer both person to person and cell to cell. It helps us be more articulate as well as remember and organize our thoughts more clearly. It helps us receive clearer guidance from our spiritual guides and experience more lucid dreams. Celandine's expertise with information transfer extends to the realm of physical health as well. It improves cell-to-cell communication that in turn helps prevent the growth of viruses and unhealthy bacteria.

      -Helps us make a crystal clear indelible impression.
      -Excellent for public speaking.
      -Offers wonderful support for any illness in which cells are not acting in harmony.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each