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      Burdock, Arctium minus

      I AM core healing.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Burdock (is also excellent) for the stomach and the skin." E.G. Barcelona, Spain

      Burdock, Arctium minus

      Core healing

      Burdock offers our electrical system a roadmap for a multitude of health concerns. It helps us get to the bottom of any healing crisis to bring the core issue to light then offers a template for finding our health again. Its ability to root out the problem also means it helps with cleansing processes. Burdock holds great wisdom about discernment on a cellular level. This makes it an excellent Essence to use for dealing with cancer. It also offers much wisdom about the blood including information about red blood cells with issues of low oxygen transport capacity.

      -Excellent healing ally for any health crisis.
      -Helps us keep our energy clean, high in vibration and grounded.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each