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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Borage, Borago officinalis

      I AM the heart of all creation. I AM centered in the knowing that I AM One with God's plan.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Yesterday, I...mixed a few of the essences one of which was Borage. When I arrived at work, I opened my mail and came across a jury summons. My co-worker was absolutely astounded by my good mood. (cont...)
      • You guessed it- Borage, Screw Pine, Avocado- Without exaggeration, all day yesterday I was like the happiest nightingale on the first day of spring. I quickly jotted down the formula for future reference." L.C., Pleasant Valley, NY
      • "This combo (Golden Armor, Silver-rod and Borage) seemed to have protected my energy field most of the day (even when faced with much negativity (Monday morning meetings are hardest for me!!!). (cont...)
      • Last night I took all 8 of the essences and they had a very awesome effect on my meditation…I felt very connected to source and my dreams were amazing. I especially like the Belerephon of the Open Door and the Alignment Garden. Very powerful." J.B., MN

      Borage, Borago officinalis

      Powerhouse of uplifting encouragement

      The Angel of Borage shares, 'Dear Ones, I am gratified to have this opportunity to send my beam of love into your midst. I hope to offer you consolation, strength and courage as you walk your Earth journey. My gifts to you are many. I uplift. I comfort. I open your hearts to restorative love when things happen out of the clear blue and you need strength to go on. I am a place to rest your heads and your hearts. I am a return to laughter. I am the choosing of happiness, sometimes an irrational act but always a wise one.'

      -Melts even the most tenacious earth sorrow.
      -Eases depression, despair and heartaches of all sort.
      -Helps restore happiness, joy, courage and abiding faith.
      -Physically strengthening to the heart.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each