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      Boneset, Eupatorium perfolatum

      I AM strength and perfect health in every bone in my body.

      What you've shared with us
      • "My cast came off about a week ago and I'm doing soft tissue stuff now. Especially thank you for your gift of Boneset- it speaks to me of solidity and grounding at a time when those energies seem to be in short supply, in my life anyway. (cont...)
      • I have continued to use it past where it felt to me like the bone was physically okay- it feels very calming and helps to continue to release the trauma from my system." A.D., Phoenicia, NY

      Boneset, Eupatorium perfolatum

      Supports bone healing and health

      Boneset, an ancient beloved of many a healer, offers profound support for bone health and healing broken bones. Boneset also helps us move more light energy through our bones. It facilitates spiritual shifts that involve both bones and a transition at the core of our lives.

      -The Angels often suggest Boneset be used in conjunction with Run & Play, Recovery, Flow Free and Healthy Coat.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each