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      Blueberry, Vaccinium

      I AM the clear note of truth incarnate.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Blueberry helps you feel comfortable with your Truth when it feels foreign and strange at first. It helps you get used to the changes you've made or need to make." A.R., NH

      Blueberry, Vaccinium

      Confident self-expression

      Blueberry tells us, 'I help you strike your own clear note of truth. I support you to feel comfortable in bold choices especially when you are called to a singular path that separates you from others. I help you know the harmony in these choices. I delight in service to the true blue, brilliant light which is you.'

      -Strong support for those who shift their life path, take the road less traveled or inaugurate a project in the face of resistance.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each