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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis

      I AM the purity of all creation.

      What you've shared with us
      • "Several members of my family are taking Black Currant and Bloodroot with me. When I took those two Essences out of the box, I felt the energy of change, joy, excitement and relief flood through me and I wept. (cont...)
      • As a person with incest in my history, I have spent years lost in the "muck" of the Family River. These Essences after only five days are making wonderful change in my perceptions. Spirit has indicated an 8 month period so I look forward to More!" anonymous
      • "Black Currant and Bloodroot didn't result in any reconciliation among family members. I figured out why I incarnated in my family and unburdened myself of many misunderstandings. (cont...)
      • I realized that each family member had their own time frame for when to reclaim the gifts of the family river. I couldn't and shouldn't make them do this work. It's okay. My upstream river may have remained the same but the downstream river is changed forever!" anonymous
      • "While working with Bloodroot and Black Currant I had a dream in which I was at a train station carrying many suitcases. Suddenly, I looked down at the suitcases and said, "This is not my baggage. This is my parents' baggage." I walked away and left all the suitcases right there." anonymous
      • "I have used Black Currant and Bloodroot off and on for several years. When my dad died, I experienced God as my mother/father and could let my dad go without feeling orphaned. The experience was one of great peace." anonymous
      • "Opened the order & was surprised to find the Black Currant jumping up & down yelling "TAKE ME FIRST." All I did after that was say WOW- it felt like all these invisible logjams were just floating away- no trauma- no dynamite- they just broke up gently & floated away. (cont...)
      • I've had a lot more clear energy flow ever since...Since I started taking your flower essences, its been a lot easier to let go & be patient with myself & the journey." M.K., Royal Oak, MI
      • "Thank you for the speedy delivery of the Bloodroot essence. The first night I dreamt of family members dancing in celebration in a beautiful home and kitchen." L.L., Oakland, CA

      Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis

      Illuminates our family of origin's divine strengths and weaknesses so we are free to choose our own way

      Bloodroot acts as a very powerful beam of light that cuts through the surface muck of our family of origin's ego driven patterns to illuminate the family's divine wisdom. When we know these divine strengths, it is easier to disentangle from our family of origin's ego driven behaviors and release ourselves from any belief in personality driven familial judgments or counterproductive familial habits that have colored our lives. Instead we can experience ourselves as children of God, free to use our earth family's strengths while releasing the family's illusions and personality driven patterns.

      Click Here to read about Bloodroot in our Family River Trio

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each