There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Helps us gather up the gifts from all we have learned in our three dimensional experiences and take this harvest and ourselves swiftly home to source
All paths lead home, but some are faster than others. This brings us to Beeline.
The word Beeline is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it means “a straight, direct course.” As a verb it means “to go quickly in a straight course.” Because we are both wave and particle, this feels apt. As an Essence it helps us beeline it home in a beeline.
Bees take the nectar and pollen they have gathered and go directly back to the hive in a beeline. When people are trying to find a wild hive, they will watch the beeline the bees make from wherever they are gathering food and follow the trajectory until they find the hive.
So it is that this Essence offers to help you find your beeline home so you can beeline it there. Making a beeline is not only the most efficient thing to do but a prudent one. Beeline exhorts us to go right home. If you find your unique beeline to Divinity’s door, why mess around with sideshows, distractions, minor celebrities or alternate routes suggested by mapquest? And once on the beeline, why leave it? If you had afternoon tea with Divinity, would you stop off at a minimart on the way home? Bees embody this “direct to source” vibration and in this Essence they share this vibration. Beeline offers the bee’s gift of discernment that takes us home to conscious unity with source. Bees live for the One and exist in union with the one. They don’t see the way they live as a sacrifice of self to the whole because they experience themselves as the whole.
How did the Bees come to create this Essence? Our big Cherokee Trail of Tears garden gets a new mandala of Flowers each year, but it has always presented a bit of an obstacle (albeit a gorgeous one) to us humans going from other gardens to the tool and garden shed. This year the Angels suggested we run a direct path through the garden at the optimum angle to connect us to the shed. We planted the Angels’ design with delight at the way it immediately made gardening more efficient. To the northwest of the path, arcs of potato plants in a rainbow of varieties encircled a varied collection of pole beans. To the southeast of the path, many plants new to me joined a cohort of regulars. Sweet Alyssum and low growing Zinnias edged the path. Behind them grew Blue, Lavender, White and Rose Ageratums from the “Timeless” series, Peruvian Four O’clocks, Korean Hyssop, many kinds of Nicotiana including Sacred Tobacco varieties and a long run of our new friend Moldavian Dragonhead. I had thought that the Venus Garden was going to get all the plants that I had grown around the theme of Time, but this garden welcomed many of these time related Flowers.
Early in the summer, three swarms of Honeybees from our existing hives swarmed in the apple trees which encircle this garden. We gently moved them into new hives. Soon we had three vibrant hives permanently in place next to this garden. Swarms are completely in charge of when they leave an existing hive, where they go and if they settle in when a new hive is offered. We were so happy they stayed.
You would think by this point the name Beeline for this garden mandala would have occurred to me- after all it made it possible for us to beeline to our tools AND bees had been a theme in this garden all summer…but no, I was still trying on names like “Cut to the Chase” and “Direct Route.” Did you hear my whoop of delight when I finally got the Bee memo about the name?
Along with puzzling over the name, I wondered at the Flower ingredients. The joyful Zinnias merged into the honey scented fragrant Sweet Alyssum lifting us with their Christ consciousness energy. But what of these time related Flowers? All paths lead home but some faster than others. Yes, I am repeating myself here. The issue is that we have all dithered quite a long time here on Earth, playing with the light and dark and exploring every nuance of three dimensional reality, but the planet is moving on to the fifth dimension and we have the wisdom and the skills to join her. This garden both reminds us how and also exhorts us to get on with it. It’s time.
I’m not saying all the delays have been on our own personal watch. 2020 has been an obstacle course of unexpected challenges and roadblocks thrown in our way. However this Essence helps us ignore a lot of this and without delay, make a beeline in a beeline to take the nectar and pollen of our journeys in three dimensions and beeline into the expansive fifth dimension calling to us.