There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Support to find a balance of Pitta in the framework of Ayurvedic medicine
Elements: Fire & Water- The transformative nature of FIRE
Strengths of Pitta: penetrating, spreading warmth, intelligence, understanding, permeating
Linked to: Digestion of food, thoughts, emotions and experiences, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature
Pitta imbalance: When out of balance there can be irritability, frustration, intense anger, jealousy, criticism, overheating, heartburn, hot flashes, obsession/compulsion, perfectionism and inflammation.
-For everyone, our balance with these three doshas can shift, and we may need to address long term imbalances as well as ones that crop up as circumstances change. Each dosha is needed within us with some coming more easily than others, but all need expression. The intention of these three mixes, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, is to help us balance a dosha if it is out of balance within us either not finding full expression or in a place of overexpressing itself.
Ingredients:Aloe Vera, Arbor Garden, Avocado, Brown Eyed Evening Primrose. Calliandra, Carrot, Coral Aloe, Crab Apple, Dandelion, Feverfew, Foamflower, Flow Free, Gratitude, Healthy Coat, Hepatica, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Jealousy, Jewelweed, Lantana Involucrata, Lemon, Maltese Cross, Maple, Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Masterwort, Orange, Orange Hawkweed, Outburst, Phoenix Rising, Pink Baby’s Breath, Rose a Parfum de l’Hay, Sarah Van Fleet Rose, Screw Pine, Snapdragon, Sunlight Datura