There are problems with your form:
There are problems with your form:
Strong support to leave our troubles behind us
Asphodel tell us, “I light your way back from hell. I am a torch revealing your way forward, but I am also the fire that knows a new beginning after your dark journey. You had things to learn from patriarchy, but it is done. It is time to leave Hades and return to the light.”
The ancient Greeks believed that the Asphodel Meadows were the place in Hades where ordinary souls went to live after their deaths. This made me ask Asphodel what the more ancient Minoans thought of it. Asphodel said, “The Minoans knew me much better, and they included me in many events. They understood I brought light to any gathering. The Minoans were a very beautiful expression of Divinity, and I relished supporting them, just as I relish bringing my light to you now.”
Consider Asphodel to help light your way out of a dark night of the soul or a dark time in your life. Consider Asphodel if a patriarchal drama has you in its snares. Asphodel will light the way out of this drama towards a new way of being.